Friday, September 16, 2011
The Wild Hunt
In this series, Hamilton delves into a lot of fairy-tale lore; she talks about the idea of faerie being both a place and a people, as well as all different kinds of mythical history and how it ties in with the series' characters. Of these many splendid topics, I find myself most intrigued by the idea of The Wild Hunt. As horrifying as it is, I find it genuinely intriguing. The idea in the Hamilton series is that when the Hunt is headed by the Huntsman and has been given a purpose, or a Target (read: "victim"), that it delivers a sort of vengeful, unstoppable justice. And that is a concept with some weight to it.
Just think: you give your solemn oath to avenge some terrible wrong and - with enough power and forethought - you have the ability to do just that.
Hell. Yes.
Why am I thinking about revenge so early in the day? Well, my friends, it's been a hard time here recently. I am feeling mighty scorned and mighty angry with the powers that be. There's only so many times you can duck your head and cast your eyes downward under the weight of rebuff before you start to resent the rebuker.
In other words, this dog has been kicked too many damn times to resist the urge to bite off the hand that feeds it.
Not to worry, it's all just angry poetry looking for a way out onto the page. So many feelings to use as paints upon the canvas. I wonder what sort of picture they will paint when the emotional well has run dry at last. If it ever truly runs dry. I'm thinking more of geyser than a well at this point. Nothing as clockwork and predictable as Old Faithful, but something along the lines of a watery Mount Saint Helen. Attached to my tear ducts.
Anyway. Enough waxing poetical.
I'm on the hunt myself. Not the wild hunt, though wild it can be - the job hunt. And it has been brutal. Not necessarily brutal due to the potential employers, but because of my father.
I love my father dearly, I do. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to live here with him and my dear Stepmother in their beautiful home. But sometimes, like today, I just can't stand the way he fusses at me.
Ah, c'est la vie.
In about fifteen minutes, I shall brave the horrors of Atlanta rush hour traffic. My destination: Athens. Not the one in Greece. The one about two hours away, that holds my brother and - for this weekend - my mama. I really can't wait to see them. It's always good to be around those who love you unconditionally. Especially when one is feeling so down on oneself.
Okay, folks. I'm going to jet. Smoke a cigarette before climbing into my car and facing the evils of Atlantians behind the wheel. Wish me luck.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Next Time - A Poem
I feel the need to open up (a vein)
And bleed my emotions and
Thoughts across this page
There's so much to say
And I don't have words
To say it in
State again
How much you miss me
And love me
Reassure me that
This fatal attraction
Is non-threatening
I had lunch with a friend
And there was so much to say
And not enough time to say it in
So I
Breathe deep and reel it all in
There's always next time
But next time,
There might not be time
To say so much
And I don't have words
To say it all
State it all
How you miss me
And love me
Reassure me that
This fatal attraction
Is non-threatening
I have an interview to do
And there will be so much to say
And not enough time to say it in
Not enough space to feel in
And I fill in
These bubbles of black ink
That let you know just how honest
I am
Am I so easy
To sum up?
That multiple choice can make this choice
For you
To employ me?
Me? With the outspoken voice
And the need to express every though I commit
Like a guilty conscience riding on my left shoulder
Telling me over and over
To be honest and brave
But there's no time to say
All the myriad of things
I want to say
Need to
To stay
So I
Breathe deep and reel it all in
There's always next time
But next time,
There might not be such a time
All we have is the present
To spit such a rhyme
And combine
These letters and sound into something
Until next time
But next time,
There might not be time
To say so much
And I don't have words
To say it all
Pray it all
Out loud, quiet and still bound
To reassure me
That this fatal attraction
Is life-threatening
And the voice that I hear
It says so much
It doesn't have words to bear
To say it all
To say anything at all
It shows it all
To me in thoughts and visions
And loves me
And assures me
This coming attraction
Is not threatening anything
But the me that could be
I am the change I wish to see
And I am the person
I am gonna be
My life is up to me
And my heart belongs right there
On my sleeve
So next time,
There might not be time
To say too much
But I'll find the words
To say as much
Explain it all
How you make me fall
In love
And your presence
How it is a gift
To have you near
In the present
It is a gift
To be cherished
And you can assure me that
This attraction is ticking
A time bomb
Tricky and tickling
And that's why we're giggling
Because next time,
There will be time
To say much
And words and actions
Will be all
And I'll give my all
To make sure you miss me
And love me
And reassure me that
This attraction
Is not
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Monday, September 5, 2011
Mistaken: A Poem
Submit to knee-jerk reactions
like side-kicks
That sit in side-cars
You're the Batman to my Robin
so Submit
For the sake of rhythm
I stem off
Branch off
I'm Unforgiven
So punish me
Punish Me!
Or I'll repeat the crime
And never learn to look both ways
I mistook your charms and zeal
For a safe passage-way
These pinpricks
Awaken me
To these surprising surroundings
That itch and sting
Something fierce and threatening
But I can't touch them
For fear I will contaminate
The wounds
I can't scratch the swelling and the
Tears are welling
But my unclean hands,
These nail-bitten
Pale mitten
Are Dirty
They drip with the residue of your memory
They're stained by the kisses that you gave me
And I mistook
You mouth on mine for something else
A Sanctuary
But pinpricks
Bring me back
To the present
The here and now
And I can hear it now
Hear it
How(?) You sounded
You were so quiet
But seemed so loud
in the darkness
you were everything
Your breath on me
Your hands pull free
My legs from jeans
Peeling off clothing
So we could be
I want you
And I mistook
Your sweet proximity
for something else...
Something else...
And for that,
I apologize.
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness |
Dearest D
Are you ignoring me? If so, why? I know I'm being direct but I need to know. It's driving me crazy, like there's a rubik's cube lodged in my brain.
I knew all along that we wouldn't end up together. I knew that going in, and I sure as hell knew it coming out. I still know that. Don't think for even a second that you need to remind me by being so distant and aloof.
Is that why you left for Florida early? Because it doesn't have to be like this. I am capable of healthy boundaries and I would like to be friends. I don't feel like we're friends right now. I feel like you're afraid of me, that you're running away and that there are walls up. It's weird to feel so shut-out from you when we were so close just a few short weeks ago. Just talk to me. I miss you. I want to know what you're filling up your days with and how you feel and what you think about. Just talk to me.
I don't need much, just that.
Do you want me to leave you alone? I can and will. I just want to talk about it first.
I guess I'm just getting a lot of mixed messages and I just would like a little bit of clarification.
There are days and days of silence, and then you'll say something here and there that seems flippant, if that's makes sense. You seem to pick and choose which communiques you respond to when you write back. So are you just busy, or are you confused about how you feel and how to interact with me - which would be preferable, of course since that's how I feel toward you and I would be most capable of sympathizing with that scenario. Or is it something else?
I care about you, Dana. I want to know how much I can show that warmth to you. How close can I be to you?
I don't want to be confused anymore.
Friday, September 2, 2011
I feel brown today.
Brown like my hair is brown, which is to say that I am a brunette. Dark rich brown, almost black. Black-brown, I think it's called. Like my Cherokee ancestors before me. I have the Cherokee cheekbones to go with it. When I was little, my cousin Livvie would say that it was "Pocahontas" hair. Or "Cher" hair. I, of course, preferred Pocahontas to Cher. Both then and now.
I feel brown. Brown like my eyes are brown. But not like my father's are brown. His are dark, like espresso. Mine are a mix of his chocolate eyes and my mother's green ones. Green like jade.
I feel brown like the paint on the walls in this house. "Wheat," they call it. I think it looks like "light-brown," but nobody asked me.
My great grandmother died today. Her last name was Brown. We called her Grandma Helen, my brother and I. We are going to her funeral this weekend.
It's not really how I saw myself spending my Labor Day weekend. But nobody asked me.
I heard once that people wait to die. They wait until they can see their loved ones one last time. They wait until after Christmas. A lot of people die after Christmas.
Grandma Helen didn't wait. I wonder if that means she had nothing to wait for? I wonder if she couldn't wait because she was in too much pain? I wonder if she didn't wait because she knew no one would come. I didn't come. No one did. She died alone.
I feel bad.
I feel brown.
Brown like dirty. Brown like wet, muddy earth that stains your clothes and smells like rotting leaves.