I want a bunny. I love bunnies. Bunnies are like horses. ...You probably don't believe me. But, they're both prey animals. There are a lot of similarities there, promise. Google that shit.
The reason I bring up the similarities is this: I want to do bunny therapy, like other people have done equine therapy. Bunnies are easier to transport than horses, cheaper to house and feed. You'll never be trampled by a stampede of bunnies, one would hope. If a bunny kicks you, you probably won't break anything. They're arguably cuddlier. Fluffier, in most cases. They do that cute nose wiggle thing. I've never seen a horse accomplish that nose wiggle. Horses do that scary toothy grimace thing. Eek.
Everywhere you go in the continental US, you are within a mile of a house bunny who needs a home. Every year at Easter, bunnies are bought at pet stores and given to children. Children who abuse them, even if it's unintentionally. Bunnies are not good with kids. The bunnies are taken to shelters and put down by the dozen a few days after Easter. If you're going to get a bunny, know what you're getting yourself into. And for goodness' sake, adopt, don't buy your bunny from a pet-store. (Don't even get me started on pet-stores). My program will teach people about bunnies. Raise awareness. They're not hamsters. You can't just stick them in cages and feed and water them. They're like dogs and cats. They need socializing. They need time out of their cage. They need special care, special food, you even hold them and pick them up in a certain way. No one knows this stuff. It needs to get out there.
Bunnies are so intriguing. Just read Watership Down. They have such a fascinating social system. Grooming, for instance, can be a rabbit's way of insulting you, or paying homage to you, or of relaxing itself, or of showing you that you're the boss. There is a chain of command among bunnies in nature. Bunnies on the bottom of the totem pole don't get groomed. Their whiskers are bitten off to stubs. Sad, really.
I want to be a part of the House Rabbit Society. I want to foster house rabbits. I want a room in my (future) house to be devoted entirely to bunnies. You can litter-box train them. You can socialize them like dogs and cats.

Cookie, the bunny I had when I was with Russell, was the best pet I ever had. He was an aggressive little bugger, but so loving. I haven't seen Cookie in months.
I miss him very much.

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