Cookie is now in Radford, Virginia. He is with his owner, my ex, Russell. Russell is staying at his parents' house until he moves again to Ohio, where he begins graduate school in the fall.
I got to see them both the day they left town, a week ago. Cookie was all agitated. His cage was gone, and all packed up in Russell's car. He just kept slipping and sliding all over the hard-wood floor of Russell's room as he dug through what little remained for my trace belongings. Poncho at my side, we all three stood there awkwardly and made pathetic attempts at small-talk while Cookie growled and nibbled at our feet and pant legs.
I remember how tiny he was when we got him from the pet store. He's the brown one in the pink thing in the middle.

I will miss that little bugger.
I remember how much he loved to play in the clothes hamper. I have a picture of that, too.

Goodbye, Cookie. I will probably never see you again. I will always love you, dear one. You were my favorite pet, even now when you are no longer mine. I will remember you always. I hope you are happy in Cincinnati. I hope you get as much attention as you want and all the veggies you can eat that you can comfortably hold in your adorable little bunny tummy. I miss you so much. I hope you miss me, too.

Okay. *Now* I'm going to have that cigarette.
What a pretty little rabbit, it's too bad you had to give him up =(