I think that after a month and a half of not-smoking, I feel comfortable with that title. Interesting changes have taken place during the last 6 weeks of not smoking. I find myself getting offended when people light up while walking around - downtown, on college campuses, around babies, kids or teens; it's a little bit ridiculous how much my mindset and my perspective have changed as I quit smoking, and therefore quit the justifications of 'why this is okay.'
I still haven't joined a gym. But it's a goal.
I didn't smoke enough for it to change the way things tasted. I never smoked inside my apartment, so the place doesn't smell better. I do enjoy my clothes not smelling like smoke. That's nice. I find the smell on other people to be offensive now and not alluring, as I had previously anticipated. It just seems trashy now, whereas before I would hardly notice it - on myself or anyone else.
I still get random cravings. Mostly from triggers of things that are closely linked with smoking in my brain. Drinking, intense social interactions, emotional scenarios, awkwardness, sexual arousal via external stimulae ie. movies, social interaction, etc... That's another weird effect of not smoking. I've been more sexually charged than before. I feel more tingly and responsive to random stimulus. Like sex scenes in movies, or attractive people walking down the street, or even my partners advances. Odd but true.
I think the best thing to happen to me while not smoking was to understand that I could do it. Even if I mess up and fall off the wagon, I can get back on. To understand that as a possibility and that I am capable of that is amazing.
I am very proud of myself.
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