Monday, August 23, 2010


So I was woken up by the sound of my cell phone ringing this morning at 10am-on-the-nose. OB-GYN calling to make sure I'm not in pain from whatever happened on Thursday night. I said I was not, but that I was having some bloating/swelling in my midsection and that I felt odd yesterday. They advised that I take a home pregnancy test and scheduled me for an ultrasound and an office visit on Thursday, September 2nd. I'm supposed to have my period starting on Thursday this week, I hadn't even thought pregnancy was an option. And after talking about it with Poncho a few days ago, I'm actually feeling... I don' know the word to use. Sort of "careful what you wish for." But I didn't actually wish for a baby, not really. I just wished for the ability to have a baby. I'm worried now. But I'm sure it's nothing.

Off to CVS.

1 comment:

  1. This is something ya call a cousin about!!!!!

    Call me sometime when ya can and we can process it some.
