Friday, December 9, 2011
New Year's Resolution
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I See You - A Poem
I know you notice
I see you stare
I feel your presence
I know you're there
I wish you knew
I hope you care
What goes on beneath this coiffed up hair
The thinking starts
And hope departs
But comes again
When you walk in
So sad but true
That when I'm blue
A smile from you...
I'm long past due.
Adoring, true
But more, it's you
It's you
So sad, but true
I need your rapture
I want that pain
That heartache I get when I think your name
I wish for strength
I wish in vain
That awkward space behind the reins
I feel it tug
I feel in vain
I long for something
To start again
That voice talking
Say my name
And I know you notice
I see you stare
And I feel your presence
I know you're there
I just wish you knew
And I hope you care
What goes on inside this outerwear
The shaking starts
And strength departs
But comes again
When you walk in
So sad but true
It's you, it's you
And when I'm down
And you come around...
I feel brand new
So sad but true
What's more, it's true
It's you, it's you
So sad, but true
It's you
So I want to say it
Right out loud
I want to say it
And say it proud
But I know it's stupid
And I know this crowd
Won't play that game,
But all the same
I want to say it
Right out loud
I long for something
Soft like rain
I long for something
To start again
I long for kisses
And tender pain
The kind that blesses
The kind that stains
I long for something
That's so much more,
Than you'd ever give me
Than what's in store
But I feel your presence
And I love your name
And I smile whenever I see you again
And my stomach flutters
With anxious stutters
Whenever you speak
And remember my name
I'm enroped,
In this silly lovegame
I see you seeing me
Blushing now, looking down
I know you know it
Hiding now, I'm hiding now
But you could see through it
If you wanted to
I want you to
Want you too
That part of me
That part of me
That wants you, see?
Wants you to be
With me...
So badly
I wish you knew
So I could stop pretending
Not to care
Stop charades and meet you there
Between your house and mine
Before the sun shines
What goes on inside this freckled mind
I'm not fine
I'm not fine
I stare,
I stare
And wish you were there
Wish you were there
For me to stare
'Cause I know you notice
Me, over here
And I feel your presence
When you're over there
And I wonder, too
What it's like for you
What goes on beneath that beauty, rare
What goes on beyond that lovely stare
And do you miss me
Whenever I'm not there?
'Cause I know you notice
I see you stare
I feel your presence
I know you're there
I wish you knew
I hope you care
But I know for sure,
That there's nothing there.
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Friday, December 2, 2011
Tiers of Tears - A Poem
The many layers of affection
Or the lost connection
These are tears of embarrassing,
Didn't say anything...
Tears hot like blushing
These are tears of a lifetime
Of being outcast,
outranked and outclassed
These are tears of knowing
I'm not up to the task
And I wish I could play it cool
Because you're right,
And I'm such an overzealous fool
But it's too late now
And these tears can't be undone
Or rewound
But I'm undone
And unwound
Like a spool of tangled thread
Falling apart to a new rhythm
Of choking sobs and bitterness
And I should have known
I should have known
But these are not tears of rejection
These are tears of shame
Tears of knowing,
I'll never be able to play that game
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Monday, November 28, 2011
Six Degrees - A Poem
From a full recovery
And you,
You may be
The sixth degree
Of separation that I need
To get me halfway
The other half to this battle is
Not knowing
Where we're going
But right now, I know
This much is true:
You, you may be
The sixth degree
And me,
I might just be a two
On a scale of one to six
And I can't wait
For two plus two
I leap ahead and ask for
Your seven digits
'Cause you
You may be the sixth degree
The other half of twelve
And me,
I might just be a six
'Cause on a scale of one to awesome
You're pretty much it
And you,
You may be
The sixth degree
Of separation that I need
The clarification
Of where I want to be
The other half to this battle is not knowing
Where I'm going
But right now, I know this much is true:
That me, I'm free
And you, you may be
The sixth degree
And me,
I might just be a two
On a scale of one to six
'Cause nine to five doesn't even cover it
I'm lovin' it
And I'm all about these twenty questions,
If you're into it
I'm into it
And right now is how
It ought to be
Just you and me
And the sixth degree
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dirty Laundry - A Poem
The violent reds and cold grays
Throwing shadows on my borrowed bedroom's wall
Because I don't belong here, and I don't belong to you
I'm just passing through
I woke up in bondage with the sunshine
Twisted sheets, my heart skips a beat
And I'm torn from the dream I was living
The best way to my heart is through my tearducts
Because you leave me wondering:
how could I have been better?
how could I have changed things,
So that I could have kept you
in my arms?
Or at least kept me
in your mind
Am I so easily forgotten?
Tossed aside like these crumpled bedsheets
Thrown away like dirty laundry on Sunday
Because it was Sunday
When you left me, this last time
And I should be over you by now
But I keep waking up in bondage
Tied at hands and feet with caring
My heart betrays me when I wake
To sunshine and heartache
And I'm torn today
The thought of you makes my chest hurt
Eyes squeezed shut against the memories
But these lashes aren't waterproof
And the emotions slip out to slide down
My freckled cheeks
I hate you for affecting me this way
I hate you for being fine,
When I'm so obviously not okay
I hate you on days like today
When I wake up in bondage
Tied to the memories with eyes leaking
But the rain won't wash the pain away
And one look into my eyes shows that
This muddy decay
I woke up in bondage with the sunrise
The violent reds and cold grays
Throwing shadows on my borrowed bedroom's wall
Because I don't belong here, and I don't belong to you
I'm just passing through
I woke up in bondage with the sunshine
Twisted sheets, my heart skips a beat
And I'm torn from the dream I was living
The best way to my heart is through my tearducts
Because you leave me wondering:
how could I have been better?
how could I have changed things,
so that I could have kept you?
in my arms
Or at least kept me
in your mind
Am I so easy?
So easily forgotten?
Tossed aside so quickly
like these crumpled bedsheets
Thrown away so quietly
like dirty laundry
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Equality is Not Sameness
“Put any woman in an area run mostly by men and rumors will fly. Unless you make it very clear that you are off limits, there is also a certain competitiveness that sets in. Some men are either trying to run you out of town or get into your pants. They don't seem to know any other way to deal with a woman. If you're not a sexual object, you're a threat.” -- Laurell K. Hamilton
As a female, I encounter this sort of bigotry daily. A few examples: my dress code for work requires make-up, hosiery and high heels for all females. No exceptions. That seems a bit ridiculous to me. If I want to wear flat, comfortable shoes for my 6 hour shift, and no make-up, I think I should be entitled.
Not to mention that I was hired for the position on my "beautiful smile" alone and not any sort of viable credentials. As a woman, you are an object first, and a person second. I appreciate being found attactive, I do. But I have a mind and a heart that goes along with the physical body I possess, and that often gets forgotten by the wayside.
I think what I would like to see happen is this: everyone, without exception is equal. Sameness does not necessitate equality. Women and men should be able to dress however they want: skirts, blouses, make-up, polished nails, suits, bras, thongs, boxers, whatever. It should be a free for all. If you have a uniform, it should that: uniform. No differentiation between men and women. I don't think we should do away with all the make-up and traditionally "girly" stuff. We just shouldn't be legally authorized to require it, or expect it from our women like it's an inherent part of who they are. People should be individuals. Multi-faceted and varied. There are too many ways to shove beautiful unique people into a tiny box of social expectations. And that's limiting. If a woman wants to dress in thigh-high lace stocking and 6 inch spike heels with a feather boa thrown on over a vinyl bustier, more power to her. If a man wants to do the same, more power to him. If either sex wants to wear the corporate America "power suit", that should be their prerogative. All I'm saying is that we should be free to be who we want to be. We shouldn't be expected or required to be something else, based on gender norms. However, if we eliminate options, we are inducing sameness, not equality. Hence, the choice should always be there.
The other thing I would like to mention is the idea behind the Slut Walk concept. If a woman is sexual, on purpose or not - she deserves the same respect as if she was not. If I wear a short skirt and a push up bra, that is not a waiver of my human rights. It's just an outfit. I deserve the same respect regardless of my physique and style of dress. That holds true for everyone else, too. I hate seeing people treated a certain way because of tattoos, speaking style, race, social economic background, regional identity, or anything else.
People are different and that's beautiful! We are a melting pot, people. Let's revel in that, not be afraid of it or try to assimilate it.
Diversity is, after all, the spice of life.
"People say I'm a feminist, but in truth, I am an equalist. I believe that everyone, male and female, should be free to be whom and what they are. Not fit into some tight cultural box. The idea that men should be okay with sexual contact, because they like it, and women don't like it, so they should be protected from it... is unfair and untrue." -- Laurell K. Hamilton
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Wild Hunt
In this series, Hamilton delves into a lot of fairy-tale lore; she talks about the idea of faerie being both a place and a people, as well as all different kinds of mythical history and how it ties in with the series' characters. Of these many splendid topics, I find myself most intrigued by the idea of The Wild Hunt. As horrifying as it is, I find it genuinely intriguing. The idea in the Hamilton series is that when the Hunt is headed by the Huntsman and has been given a purpose, or a Target (read: "victim"), that it delivers a sort of vengeful, unstoppable justice. And that is a concept with some weight to it.
Just think: you give your solemn oath to avenge some terrible wrong and - with enough power and forethought - you have the ability to do just that.
Hell. Yes.
Why am I thinking about revenge so early in the day? Well, my friends, it's been a hard time here recently. I am feeling mighty scorned and mighty angry with the powers that be. There's only so many times you can duck your head and cast your eyes downward under the weight of rebuff before you start to resent the rebuker.
In other words, this dog has been kicked too many damn times to resist the urge to bite off the hand that feeds it.
Not to worry, it's all just angry poetry looking for a way out onto the page. So many feelings to use as paints upon the canvas. I wonder what sort of picture they will paint when the emotional well has run dry at last. If it ever truly runs dry. I'm thinking more of geyser than a well at this point. Nothing as clockwork and predictable as Old Faithful, but something along the lines of a watery Mount Saint Helen. Attached to my tear ducts.
Anyway. Enough waxing poetical.
I'm on the hunt myself. Not the wild hunt, though wild it can be - the job hunt. And it has been brutal. Not necessarily brutal due to the potential employers, but because of my father.
I love my father dearly, I do. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to live here with him and my dear Stepmother in their beautiful home. But sometimes, like today, I just can't stand the way he fusses at me.
Ah, c'est la vie.
In about fifteen minutes, I shall brave the horrors of Atlanta rush hour traffic. My destination: Athens. Not the one in Greece. The one about two hours away, that holds my brother and - for this weekend - my mama. I really can't wait to see them. It's always good to be around those who love you unconditionally. Especially when one is feeling so down on oneself.
Okay, folks. I'm going to jet. Smoke a cigarette before climbing into my car and facing the evils of Atlantians behind the wheel. Wish me luck.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Next Time - A Poem
I feel the need to open up (a vein)
And bleed my emotions and
Thoughts across this page
There's so much to say
And I don't have words
To say it in
State again
How much you miss me
And love me
Reassure me that
This fatal attraction
Is non-threatening
I had lunch with a friend
And there was so much to say
And not enough time to say it in
So I
Breathe deep and reel it all in
There's always next time
But next time,
There might not be time
To say so much
And I don't have words
To say it all
State it all
How you miss me
And love me
Reassure me that
This fatal attraction
Is non-threatening
I have an interview to do
And there will be so much to say
And not enough time to say it in
Not enough space to feel in
And I fill in
These bubbles of black ink
That let you know just how honest
I am
Am I so easy
To sum up?
That multiple choice can make this choice
For you
To employ me?
Me? With the outspoken voice
And the need to express every though I commit
Like a guilty conscience riding on my left shoulder
Telling me over and over
To be honest and brave
But there's no time to say
All the myriad of things
I want to say
Need to
To stay
So I
Breathe deep and reel it all in
There's always next time
But next time,
There might not be such a time
All we have is the present
To spit such a rhyme
And combine
These letters and sound into something
Until next time
But next time,
There might not be time
To say so much
And I don't have words
To say it all
Pray it all
Out loud, quiet and still bound
To reassure me
That this fatal attraction
Is life-threatening
And the voice that I hear
It says so much
It doesn't have words to bear
To say it all
To say anything at all
It shows it all
To me in thoughts and visions
And loves me
And assures me
This coming attraction
Is not threatening anything
But the me that could be
I am the change I wish to see
And I am the person
I am gonna be
My life is up to me
And my heart belongs right there
On my sleeve
So next time,
There might not be time
To say too much
But I'll find the words
To say as much
Explain it all
How you make me fall
In love
And your presence
How it is a gift
To have you near
In the present
It is a gift
To be cherished
And you can assure me that
This attraction is ticking
A time bomb
Tricky and tickling
And that's why we're giggling
Because next time,
There will be time
To say much
And words and actions
Will be all
And I'll give my all
To make sure you miss me
And love me
And reassure me that
This attraction
Is not
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Monday, September 5, 2011
Mistaken: A Poem
Submit to knee-jerk reactions
like side-kicks
That sit in side-cars
You're the Batman to my Robin
so Submit
For the sake of rhythm
I stem off
Branch off
I'm Unforgiven
So punish me
Punish Me!
Or I'll repeat the crime
And never learn to look both ways
I mistook your charms and zeal
For a safe passage-way
These pinpricks
Awaken me
To these surprising surroundings
That itch and sting
Something fierce and threatening
But I can't touch them
For fear I will contaminate
The wounds
I can't scratch the swelling and the
Tears are welling
But my unclean hands,
These nail-bitten
Pale mitten
Are Dirty
They drip with the residue of your memory
They're stained by the kisses that you gave me
And I mistook
You mouth on mine for something else
A Sanctuary
But pinpricks
Bring me back
To the present
The here and now
And I can hear it now
Hear it
How(?) You sounded
You were so quiet
But seemed so loud
in the darkness
you were everything
Your breath on me
Your hands pull free
My legs from jeans
Peeling off clothing
So we could be
I want you
And I mistook
Your sweet proximity
for something else...
Something else...
And for that,
I apologize.
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness |
Dearest D
Are you ignoring me? If so, why? I know I'm being direct but I need to know. It's driving me crazy, like there's a rubik's cube lodged in my brain.
I knew all along that we wouldn't end up together. I knew that going in, and I sure as hell knew it coming out. I still know that. Don't think for even a second that you need to remind me by being so distant and aloof.
Is that why you left for Florida early? Because it doesn't have to be like this. I am capable of healthy boundaries and I would like to be friends. I don't feel like we're friends right now. I feel like you're afraid of me, that you're running away and that there are walls up. It's weird to feel so shut-out from you when we were so close just a few short weeks ago. Just talk to me. I miss you. I want to know what you're filling up your days with and how you feel and what you think about. Just talk to me.
I don't need much, just that.
Do you want me to leave you alone? I can and will. I just want to talk about it first.
I guess I'm just getting a lot of mixed messages and I just would like a little bit of clarification.
There are days and days of silence, and then you'll say something here and there that seems flippant, if that's makes sense. You seem to pick and choose which communiques you respond to when you write back. So are you just busy, or are you confused about how you feel and how to interact with me - which would be preferable, of course since that's how I feel toward you and I would be most capable of sympathizing with that scenario. Or is it something else?
I care about you, Dana. I want to know how much I can show that warmth to you. How close can I be to you?
I don't want to be confused anymore.
Friday, September 2, 2011
I feel brown today.
Brown like my hair is brown, which is to say that I am a brunette. Dark rich brown, almost black. Black-brown, I think it's called. Like my Cherokee ancestors before me. I have the Cherokee cheekbones to go with it. When I was little, my cousin Livvie would say that it was "Pocahontas" hair. Or "Cher" hair. I, of course, preferred Pocahontas to Cher. Both then and now.
I feel brown. Brown like my eyes are brown. But not like my father's are brown. His are dark, like espresso. Mine are a mix of his chocolate eyes and my mother's green ones. Green like jade.
I feel brown like the paint on the walls in this house. "Wheat," they call it. I think it looks like "light-brown," but nobody asked me.
My great grandmother died today. Her last name was Brown. We called her Grandma Helen, my brother and I. We are going to her funeral this weekend.
It's not really how I saw myself spending my Labor Day weekend. But nobody asked me.
I heard once that people wait to die. They wait until they can see their loved ones one last time. They wait until after Christmas. A lot of people die after Christmas.
Grandma Helen didn't wait. I wonder if that means she had nothing to wait for? I wonder if she couldn't wait because she was in too much pain? I wonder if she didn't wait because she knew no one would come. I didn't come. No one did. She died alone.
I feel bad.
I feel brown.
Brown like dirty. Brown like wet, muddy earth that stains your clothes and smells like rotting leaves.
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Waterfall's Magic - A Poem
Hitting water with a sound like breaking glass
Egging them on like I have no fear
But I do
I'm afraid of heights
And in ways,
I'm afraid of you
Safe beyond the realm of the splash zone
Out of reach and out of touch
I'm saying things to him that I won't remember
But I do
Remember thinking them about you
Watching green light filter down
Through tree leaves and over things
Like a liquid haze
A fog descends
A love spell for when this world ends
And the world is dappled green and gold
Like my eyes are in the sunshine
And I try my best to show their colors
In the nighttime
Freckles fade and so do dreams
But magic stayed
And I feel real today
But like a mermaid
Perched and flouncing
Highlights in the forest shade
Daydreams of themes long overplayed
But I feel real today
And the world is dappled green and gold
And slightly gray
The rain comes but we all stay
Huddled up under towels like child's play
Next we'll build a fort and skip away
To play tag like it was yesterday
And I'm watching boys jump off cliffs
And oh so very coy
But boy
How delicious
It is to see you smile
And I feel real today
But the green and golden world
Is turning all gray
And I'm afraid the waterfall of memories
That come as cascades
Will dissipate
I anticipate
Will go away
But I'm egging you on like I have no fear
But I do
I'm afraid of heights
And in ways,
I'm afraid of you
Afraid of what to do without two
So I take a jump off the waterfall
To come to
Cold water washes all the magic away
But then again,
I guess that's what makes it magic anyway
The fact that it doesn't stay
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Blueberry Beer - A Poem
And there are pitfalls for pitstops along the way
It's been a topsy-turvy sort of day
And I'm growing cold in the summer shade
As my pen snicker-snacks across the page
The light filters down as the sun fades
And even while it's raining it's greenish gray
It's all green, green like I used to be
Filtered down and bottled up into a new me
Pop the top and watch me fill up
Spill over
And foam at the mouth for more
Now I'm glancing side to side as we trip along
This brushy, lush trail on both sides
Craggy rocks and undercroppings fill both eyes
A hushed whisper-rushing water drip-drops past
Shoulder-rubbing, nature-clubbing hypocrisy
I smoke cigarettes with no regrets for apathy
And it's been a sleepy waking-dreamy kind of day
And it's all
Green and
Light and
Sound and
I'm drinking coffee from a can so it's all clear
And now I'm sipping on this blue bottled berry beer
As the light filters down to me, all I can hear
Is water crashing
People laughing
I'm out of here
The water's cold, but so is the beer
And after a few more I'm hoping
It'll kill the fear
A fear of heights is all I'm fighting here
Just so we're clear
So drown my eloquence in froth and foam
Bluberry beer
Then take that leap of faith and swim away
I'm out of here
| ©2011 ~strawberry-goodness |
The Question - A Poem
When it's so hard
To breathe
And these medications
Make it hard to feed
This need
I've lost 10 pounds
Since I went back
Doctoral solutions
To permanent problems
Outliers and chandeliers
I'll be cavalier
About this cancer
That they can't cut out
Of me
And all I want to know is:
What are the right questions
To ask, anyway?
All I know is this need to feed
And I bite nails until they bleed
Smoke cigarettes I can't speed;
I've lost 10 minutes since I went back
Out back
My own walk of shame
For this nicotine game
And the nurse wants me to quit
But these environmental
Attributions keep this cancer at bay
And all I want to know is:
What are the right questions
To ask, anyway?
All I know is this need to feed
And I lick lips until they stick
And they're too dry to smack
I'm too quick to beg a bitch-slap
Into a come-back
I've lost 10 seconds since I went back
And my friends want me to stop
But these emotions
Cause the cancer to grow inside of me
And all I want to know is:
What are the right questions
To ask, anyway?
All I know is this need to feed
And that I need another cigarette
To put my aching mind at ease
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Tangled - A Poem
And I think my thoughts are jumbled
'Cause I giggled when we stumbled
And I feel like my feelings are too true
'Cause I told you when I was into you
And now I don't want to be
Any other way
But tango in that tangle
I want to wriggle, writhe and wrangle
Listen to the sounds with eyes closed
And I would purr if I could
So I should
And I would what I should
If I could with you
If you would
And we're tangled
And I'm strangled with need
Learning the lines of your face
And my fingertips tingle
'Cause your touch, it lingers
And mingles with these heated
And it's so easy to get caught up
And I think I'm too easy
'Cause it's more natural
Than my ragged breathing
And the softness
Send tempests
Through my veins
And it's like a puzzle we were missing
Pieces to
Pieces like me and you
And now it's raining down
And now we're untangling, rearranging
And I swear I'm managing
I don't like surprises
Or rainstorms
But I'm managing
Forgotten topographies
Rewritten biographies
Hindsight is 20/20
And I don't want it
Any other way
I want to wriggle and to wrangle
Listen to the sounds
Like raindrops
And waterfalls
With eyes closed
Mouth gasping
And I don't want it
Any other way
I want to snuggle and tango
To sigh and to mangle
These bedsheets are tangled
And I should what I could
If you would what you want
'Cause I want to
Be tangled with you
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The First Night - A Poem
T.G.I. Eff it like Katy Perry
But it was the night after,
Like the calendar says, so --
The morning started slow,
Guys and Dolls like Clara-Beara
It was the time of day that makes you
The Uncharted
Blood sugar levels low,
Like dem jeans,
Let's get retarded
And I'm medicated, down and out
Three times a day, but four has started
And the party's just gettin' started,
I'm sick of gettin' carded
But I'm a little too late,
Too little to go, so fuck it
And I thought it was Friday night
The night you showed up
And the videogames are now a blur
Arcades and Barcades and barricades and castle-walls
Are crashing down
And the pitter-patter of little-big feet down the hall
Like rain on my Honda's windshield at night
With head-lights on,
And the laughter is now a blur, all smiles and dimples
Shining eyes, passing lanes, dotted lines, boundaries and timelines
Too drunk to drive but I swear I'm just right
For tonight
I thought it was Friday night
Partying it up like Pink
So raise your glass, fellow rockstars
And shake your ass like it's your right, sirs
And let's forget to dance to the night away
Forget to remember anything and just be
We'll let it happen like a slow burn
My heart's an ember like a slow burn
And our love was like an engine's purr
With some false starts
So help me fan the flames with disco and cigarette butts
Collect the kisses in the hallway
Slip-n-slide, back and forth
The kind of kisses that linger and melt away
Like sugar in the coffee of the morning after
And I thought it was Friday night
And the music beat down to my soul
Through my toes and the soles of my feet
Feel the beat
And it made me wriggle 'till I fell apart
I just want to know how to hold my heart
So raise your face to mine and don't let go
Too soon
And let's live in the present since that's all we have
To go on
Go on for so long
And let's remember what we both forgot
Since the history is still in the making
And I know we're both sorry we never asked
But I thought it was Friday night
And I don't mind being wrong
I loved every minute of it
Forgetting and memorizing
The days of the week and how to breathe
And how to make my legs shake
Sweating all over
And I swear I thought it was over
We were over
Let go and pull it all in
Like letting rain fall on my upturned face
Pitter-patter like my pounding heart
And my heartbeats
Are in time now
With the music of the stars
Like a metronome
To this soundtrack of heartstrings and sweet nothings
That mean everything
To me
And now I know it was Saturday
And I don't mind looking back
Writing down everything I can remember
Because I loved every minute of it
Every mile of the journey
And I don't want to forget the past
Our past
But I do want to escape the present
'Cause I swear that I thought it was over
We were over
But I don't mind being wrong
I just hope against hope that you feel the same
Turn these pages with my shaking hand
While I avert my hazel eyes
Of forgetting to be jaded
Wading in
Up to the waist
Even though the water's freezing
The water's fine
And I'll always remember that it was Saturday night
And the way it felt
And the way we were
Just don't go chasing waterfalls
Stick to the rivers and the lakes that I'm used to
Like Saturday night
feeling so right
feeling so much
feeling all night
Just remember, I'll be alright
Holding on to the memory of that night.
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
What Do U(U) Believe?
This is a pretty simplistic breakdown for many of my friends who are considering Unitarian-Universalism; or those who I think might fit comfortably here; or for those who are just curious. What I love is that you bring your past; your history; your memories; your dreams; and become part of something larger. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, humanists, and those who have a theology harder to label, break bread in this church. No creed is higher than communion.
My church isn't offering you salvation, spiritual or otherwise. My church is not going to give you the answers. What we can do, however, is help you find the tools to save and free yourself as much as you can. That's the miracle of Unitarian-Universalism.
We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:
-The inherent worth and dignity of every person
-Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations
-Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
-A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
-The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
-The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
-Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
The living tradition we share draws from many sources:
-Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life
-Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love
-Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life
-Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves
-Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.
-Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and respect.
The Unitarian Universalist Association shall devote its resources to and exercise its corporate powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. The primary purpose of the Association is to serve the needs of its member congregations, organize new congregations, extend and strengthen Unitarian Universalist institutions and implement its principles.
WE BELIEVE in the freedom of religious expression. All individuals should be encouraged to develop their own personal theologies, and to present openly their religious opinions without fear of censure or reprisal.
WE BELIEVE in the toleration of religious ideas. All religions, in every age and culture, possess not only intrinsic merit, but also potential value for those who have learned the art of listening.
WE BELIEVE in the authority of reason and conscience. The ultimate arbiter in religion is not a church, nor a document, nor an official, but the personal choice and decision of the individual.
WE BELIEVE in the never-ending search for Truth. If the mind and heart are truly free and open, the revelations that appear to the human spirit are infinitely numerous, eternally fruitful, and wondrously exciting.
WE BELIEVE in the unity of experience. There is no fundamental conflict between faith and knowledge, religion and the world, the sacred and the secular, since they all have their source in the same reality.WE BELIEVE in the worth and dignity of each human being. All people on earth have an equal claim to life, liberty, and justice-and no idea, ideal, or philosophy is superior to a single human life.
WE BELIEVE in the ethical application of religion. Good works are the natural product of a good faith, the evidence of an inner grace that finds completion in social and community involvement.
WE BELIEVE in the motive force of love. The governing principle in human relationships is the principle of love, which always seeks the welfare of others and never seeks to hurt or destroy.WE BELIEVE in the necessity of the democratic process. Records are open to scrutiny, elections are open to members, and ideas are open to criticism-so that people might govern themselves.
WE BELIEVE in the importance of a religious community. The validation of experience requires the confirmation of peers, who provide a critical platform along with a network of mutual support.
Friday, June 24, 2011
For BJ - A Poem
I wish I could describe
The wary smile
wavy hair
The curiosity,
you stare
I wish I could describe
The kindness
In those blind eyes
I'm certain I could
If I had the words
the meter
And some kick ass rhymes
But just being me
I work with what I have
I have:
a good feeling
and I have some face-time
Should I take this time
To mention facebook?
Because I'm glad to find
You in my friend requests
And it makes me smile
When I see a new "poke"
from you
I'd like to take this time
To tell you all
How talented and kind
This kid is
I'd like to find the rhyme
To make it worth his while
For stopping by
I'd like to pantomime
But can't
So I'll just take this time
To say
"Thank you"
For stopping by
I hope I've done some justice
To such a special guy©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Dresser - A Poem
Or yards of silk
And moan
Paint her face in blacks and reds
Or purple greens
Pierce her lobes with shards
Or strands
Of crystal glass
Or bone
Watch the way they twinkle
Those dancing gem-like
As through her longish straightish hair
Those beaded tributes glare
That raven brown
And ravenous black
That seems to curl its own
And back
That seems too stark against that white
That white gleams naked in moonlight
Wrapped up in sheets of linen
And all the while dress her up
Dresser, chest or night - stand up
In cleanish new attire, up
All so she can see the girl
Who safely lives inside
Reside in all the eyes
Of all the passive passerby
So dress her up in skirts of plaid
Or jeans or corduroy
Paint her face in neutral tones
Or shimmer golds
Hang from her ears
Those crystal tears
Cried from an angel's head
All the while just to see
What someone once had said
All the while just to be
What someone once would bed
All the while
Girl will cry
And listen to her head
That raven brown
And ravenous black
That seems to curl its own
And back
That seems too stark against that white
That white gleams naked in moonlight
Twisted up in sheets of linen
And so it seems we deem this dream
Or so it seems
Instead of dress let us digress
And quickly fix this with duress
Perhaps less is more
In keeping score
Of all her beauty hidden
Sacred strange and bidden
And so we'll dress her
Dress her down
Dresser, chest or nightstand clown
In birthday suit
So she can see the girl in me
Who safely lives inside
Reside in these two sets of eyes
Behind the mirror
So to sum up it quickly seems
I've nothing left to hide
The girl within is now without
No matter what I've tried
No matter what I've painted, pierced or worn
Within a day
It seems to be I'm always me
No matter what's portrayed
So dress me up in sheets of linen
Or yards of silk
Or none
Paint my face in blacks and reds
Or goldish undertones
Pierce her lobes
Or not at all
This lesson's almost done
And watch the way I twinkle
Gem-like and alone
Through longish hair
These hazels stare
At Hazel's mirrored pair
And she can see
As I can be
The girl who lives inside
Despite the changes
Or rearrangements
Of anything
We do to our outside
©2011 ~strawberry-goodness
Friday, May 27, 2011
I'll be uploading some old stuff I've written over the next while. I found it during one of my house-cleaning fits. I've been having alot of those recently, as I have little else to do but clean and organize and re-organize.
The thing is, I don't have dates for a lot of these, but I know that this one is from sometime last year. I was working at CPU2, still going to the callcenter and back because I wasn't an At-Home Agent yet when this was written... so sometime between June and October.
Here goes.
"I did the dishes for ya, hon
I'm sorry I ain't got the strength
to do no more.
It's hard to scrub the floors
when you feel like crawling
across them
instead of pushing a broom.
And I'm sorry I forgot to clean
the room we share each night,
But it's hard to make the bed
I can't get out of."
I ran across this in some old notebook and thought it described what I was feeling up until a few weeks ago. Depression is a horrid thing. At least before I always had my voice, though. I could write, draw, explain what it was like. That helped. This time, it was suffocating. I was mute with pain.
I'm glad to re-emerge. To escape.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Some things to think about
I started the day by reading Lolita. Made it a quarter of the way through the book before breakfast. Thank you, Guy Gunn. Once I got past the pedophilia and approached it from a somewhat neutral stance, I found that it's actually a beautiful work of literature. I love the feel of the book, if not the content. I am intrigued, even if it is morbid subject matter. I love being able to peer into his mind. I tell you this to put you in tune with my headspace today.
In an eerie turn of events, I just finished reading the Kiki Kannibal article in Rolling Stone. There is alot there that I'd like to touch on, but one of the things that really got to me was the statutory rape. And I... really have no adequate words for that. But I feel incited and I must attempt to speak out. Please bear with me here.
Firstly -- Kiki, as a part of the hive-mind that is Internet, I am sorry. No one deserves to be treated that way. You are beautiful and unique and special and I respect and honor you. Sending healing thoughts. <3
I was tormented when I dressed differently, although nowhere nearly as badly. I was bullied in school, on the streets on Asheville by passerby, and by fellow Wal-mart shoppers for my clothing choices. I never had to deal with hate mail or threats or death, and I was still frazzled. I can't believe what you've been through.
I guess part of what saved me was a lack of internet exposure in high school. I didn't even join Facebook until I was in college. By then, I was legal and I guess the internet mobs take more pride in tormenting the underage crowd.
I just feel so grateful for the beauty and grace I find during times like this. As something of faith, I am thankful for the principles we live by in Unitarian Universalism. Respect and dignity. Inherent respect and dignity. That one has really been with me all day.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that in times like these it is so crucial to have an icon like Gaga supporting individuality, sexuality, sensuality, safety, self-efficacy and flying the freak flag high and proud.
Women have long fought injustices based on sex and gender. There are all sorts of issues to contend with after breaching that subject - illegal or indecent toplessness, rape trials based on the provocative clothing of the victim, etc. In my opinion, we should be safe to walk around naked in the street without rebuke or assault. No one should have to suffer threats of violence or worse because of what they wear, how much skin they show, or how unusual they look. Diversity is beautiful. The human body is beautiful and worthy of respect and awe.
Dressing differently, even sexually or scantily is not basis for torment or assault. It is artistic and brave and awesome and as someone who gave it up because of all the criticism, I must also say that it is damn difficult. There is a reason that kids dress like the group they hang out with - it makes it easier. I didn't have anyone to match with, and neither did Kiki.
I guess the last thing I wanted to say was that with all this talk about Bin Laden and Obama and the Tea Party and a few months ago all that mess with Jessi Slaughter... I just wanted to speak out against the hate and the shame and the ugliness. I know it doesn't seem connected. Maybe it's not. But can we try to be nicer to each other?
I know this note is disjointed, but I have a lot on my mind and I wanted to bungle my way through this to try and get it all out. I appreciate your thoughts, but please be respectful and sensitive to others in your comments.
Peace, love and strawberries.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tequila Sunrise
I've been getting up at 7am for the past 3 days now for a(nother) training class at work, and tomorrow is the last day I do so before reverting back to my normal schedule. I will miss the sun. The sun makes me so happy. I love seeing blue skies and feeling warmth radiate across my skin when I drive to work with the sunroof back and the windows down. But alas, I am doomed to work graveyard shifts. I have put in for a request to be scheduled earlier in the day so I can get off each night at midnight instead of 2am. Slight improvement.
Poncho has been talking about doing a travel blog, documenting the two of us on exploits and adventures. I think it would be fun to start here in Asheville and then spiral outward from there. What do y'all think?
Monday, January 24, 2011
I wanted to try to put one into words before bedding down for the night, but the words elude me. I thought that maybe typing it out would enable the process of solidifying these wisps of faith, but I seem to be coming up blank here as well.
I wish for dreams
To tuck me in
To wingtips clear
And lucid
I sigh for nights
So out of sight
I can't pretend the motives
I can't delay
This game we play
But I can stack the deck
I wish for dreams
To hide and find
I wish for dreams
To dust and lust
Just get me off
This shelf
While I slumber
Pulled asunder
Let me rest in peace
At ease
If I'm not to have
My dreams
Let me rest in peace
At least
Friday, January 21, 2011
Poncho and I have been fighting. Things are looking grim. I'm depressed and the wine has helped to take the edge off - don't you dare tell me about how it's a "depressant". I know. It still helps.
I'm considering buying a pack of smokes. Just to, you know, get away from it all for a while. I'm too damn responsible. I need to lighten up, have fun. I'm in my early-mid twenties, for chrissake.
Here's to the future. Whatever the hell it brings.
Seriously, though: if you could keep us in your thoughts and prayers, I'd really appreciate it. I need all the well-wishing I can get.